Self-taught, passionate about new technologies and general political and social issues, Gilles Babinet has been an entrepreneur since the age of 22. He has founded numerous companies in fields as diverse as consulting (Absolut, Laitao), construction (Escalade Industrie), mobile music (Musiwave), co-creation (eYeka), decision-making tools (Captain Dash), etc. He is the author of "Big data, thinking about man and the world differently", "L'Ère Numérique, un nouvel âge de l'humanité" and "Refondre les politiques publiques avec le numérique". Gilles is also a professor at Science Po Paris ("Numérique et politiques publiques") and a member of the Institut Montaigne. He is also France's Digital Champion at the European Commission. Currently, Gilles Babinet is co-chair of the Conseil national du numérique, alongside Françoise Mercadal Delasalles.